MS and HS Band Concert

Thank you to all of our AISV community members who were able to join us at what was for AIS Vienna an extra special concert on May 22. Congratulations to all of our MS and HS student performers on another year of artistic growth and preparation for performances! All musicians performed beautifully and were happy to showcase the learning that has taken place this school year. 

Yesterday evening, we had an extra special thank you and an extended congratulations for Ms. Susan Seekirchner who is celebrating her final concert. After 32 years of service to the AIS Vienna community, Ms. Seekirchner will be joining the AIS Vienna retiree community.

32 years means hundreds of grade 6 students on their first day of band class exploring their newly selected instrument for the very first time. But it also means teaching, rehearsing, and motivating students through incredible growth in the following years.

It also means advocating for performance opportunities, outdoors on Währingerstasse, and indoors at the Musikverein. It’s organizing cultural exchanges with student musicians in China. It’s hosting, organizing, instructing and leading AMIS festivals to try and provide the best opportunities for AISV students to continue to learn and grow. Ms. Seekirchner has led countless concerts at different venues in Europe and Vienna, traveled across the world with her students engaging them in various AMIS (Association for Music in International Schools) festivals, as well as cultural exchange visits by Chinese musicians.

Alumni, teachers, parents, and students came together to celebrate the musical legacy Susan will be leaving behind. We wish her all the best in her retirement. Congratulations, and thank you very much Ms Seekirchner.

Remember: Once a knight, always a knight!

In case you missed it, you can still catch the full concert here:


6th Grade Night of the Ancients


MS and HS Strings Concert